About Apple & Google Pay for Web
Apple & Google Pay for Web are payment methods that allow viewers to pay for online content using their Apple or Google Wallets.
For viewers to be able to use these methods, they will have to:
- Be in a supported country (click here and here for details),
- Use a browser that supports Apple or Google Pay, and be logged into their browser with the account on which they’ve set up their wallet. They can still use a different email for their actual InPlayer paywall account.
- Have their Apple or Google Wallet already set up with a valid payment method, like a credit card.
Note that the Google and Apple Wallet cards are separate from the cards saved in Google Play and iTunes and the credit cards saved in the browser.
Note that Apple and Google Pay for Web are only available for pay-per-view (ppv) price options. They are not available for subscriptions.
Enabling Apple & Google Pay for Web
If you wish to enable Apple & Google Pay for Web payments on your InPlayer account, just contact your InPlayer account manager, or send us an email at clients@inplayer.com.
When using Apple Pay, you also need to do the following:
In your Stripe account, from the Apple Pay settings page, click + Add new domain.
Enter the top-level domain or sub-domain where you will be implementing Apple Pay (e.g. stripe.com or shop.stripe.com).

Next, download this domain association file and host it at /.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association
on your website.
For example, if you’re registering https://example.com
, make that file available at https://example.com/.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association
Viewer experience
This is the experience a viewer will have when making an Apple or Google Pay purchase.
Once they go to your webpage, they click the BUY button on the asset.

They log into their account (or sign up for a new one).

They choose the pass they wish to purchase and click NEXT.

They are forwarded to the final payment screen.
Here they click on either the Google Pay or the Apple Pay button at the top of the screen.
Whether the viewer sees the Google Pay or the Apple Pay button will depend on the browser the viewer uses. For Chrome, they will see Google Pay, and for Safari they will see Apple Pay.

They click on Pay now.

They will then be taken to their Apple or Google Wallet where they will be able to choose their card and complete their payment.

Once the payment is complete, the paywall will disappear and they will be able to see the content.

This concludes our guide.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at clients@inplayer.com.