With Passcode assets viewer will access the content only by entering a code, without registering an account beforehand. No other type of access or payment will be possible.
Passcodes can either have a limited or an unlimited number of simultaneous uses.
Creating the asset
Log into your InPlayer Dashboard and go to the Content section.

In the Assets tab, click on New asset, and then on Custom creation.

Enter a Name for your asset. This will be the name of the asset in your InPlayer Dashboard. The viewers won’t see this.
Select Video or HTML depending on the type of content you are going to protect with the asset.

Use this if your content is videos that are hosted on one of the following platforms:

You can have only one video per Video asset.
Use this if your content is videos that are hosted anywhere other than the above-mentioned platforms, or for non-video content.
HTML is a universal asset and can be used for monetizing absolutely anything.
You can put as much content as you want in a single HTML asset, but we would still recommend sticking to only one piece of content per asset.
Once you select your asset type, click Next.
Under Select content category choose one of the following:
- Live – for video content that will be livestreamed. This includes live streams where you plan on publishing a VOD replay afterwards.
- VOD – for Video-on-demand-only content that isn’t going to be live streamed.
- Other – for content other than video, or for test assets.

Click Next.
Under Select access type, choose No registration, and click Next. The Passcode option will be automatically selected.

If you are creating a Video asset hover over the platform where your videos are hosted, select one of the following, and click Next.
- add one video – This creates a regular asset where you can add your video. You can select which video to use in the asset settings.
- quick add – This creates an asset for a video and copies the title, description, and preview image for that video from Brightcove. You can select the video right now.
- sync all videos – With this, you can create assets for all videos in your account at once. Each video is created as a separate asset. (not available for some platforms)

If you are creating an HTML asset you will automatically skip the above step.
On the new page, you can set up your asset’s properties.

The right side of the screen is where you can set everything up, and the left side provides a preview where you can see how the various sections of the assets will look on your webpage.
In the Preview section, set up the preview title, description, and thumbnail as well as the text for the BUY button. These will be the details that will appear on the actual asset preview when you embed it on your webpage.

Note that the Title will also appear on the final payment form on the paywall, as well as the notification email your viewers will receive.
After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
Preview templates
In the Preview templates section, you can choose how the asset will appear when you embed it on your webpage.
You can go with the default preview, or select one from the list.

If you’ve set up a default branding theme in your dashboard Settings, where you’ve selected a default preview template, and you want to use that template for this asset as well, make sure to check the Use preview template from the default branding theme option.

If, however, you wish to use a separate preview template for this asset, despite the fact that you have set up a default one in your branding theme, make sure to leave the Use preview template from the default branding theme option unchecked.
When choosing your preview template, you can click on the View fullscreen button at the top left to see how that template would look on various screen sizes.

After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
Preview default branding theme
If you have set up a default branding theme in the Settings (more on this here), you can see how the asset will look once the theme will be applied to it.
To do this, just click the Preview default branding theme toggle.

Passcode options
Here you can create the passcodes your viewers can use to access the asset.

You can create passcodes one at a time or in bulk.
Creating passcodes one at a time
Click Add passcode.

Set up the passcode details.

- Passcode – the code the viewer will use to log in.
- Validity start date & time (UTC) – the date and time when the passcode will start being valid.
- Validity end date & time (UTC) – the date and time when the passcode will stop being valid.
- Passcode type – use public if you want a passcode that can be used by an unlimited number of viewers simultaneously. Use private if you want a passcode that can have a limit on the number of simultaneous uses, thereby preventing passcode sharing.
- Simultaneous uses – set the limit to how many times can the passcode be used to watch at the same time. The option is available only for private-type passcodes.
Although the most common way to market this to viewers is as a “device limitation”, the limit is actually browser-based, meaning one browser window counts as one session. Viewers can watch on multiple tabs in the same browser window, and that would still only count as one session.
Opening a second browser window, or using a new device would count as a second session, and so on.
The limit is also per-asset based, meaning that each asset has its own limit counter.
The system will count a session as “active” for as long as a viewer is logged in using the passcode in the particular browser, so it is very important for viewers to be informed to always log out after watching, to avoid unintentionally hitting the limit.
Once the limit is reached, the viewer will have to manually log out of a previous session if they want to watch again. This will not happen automatically.
After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
Creating passcodes in bulk
Click Bulk add.

To create passcodes in bulk, you will need to upload a CSV file that contains the passcodes you want to create, along with their details.
For this, make sure to use the CSV template provided in the link on the screen.

The columns in the CSV table contain the same fields described in the Creating passcodes one at a time section above:
- Passccode – the code the viewer will use to log in.
- Validity start date & time (UTC) – the date and time when the passcode will start being valid.
- Validity end date & time (UTC) – the date and time when the passcode will stop being valid.
- Passcode type – use public if you want a passcode that can be used by an unlimited number of viewers simultaneously. Use private if you want a passcode that can have a limit on the number of simultaneous uses.
- Simultaneous uses – set the limit to how many viewers can watch at the same time with the passcode. Available only for private-type passcodes.
This limit is per-asset based, meaning that each asset has its own limit counter.
After you upload the CSV file, if there was an issue generating some of the passcodes, you will find them in a CSV file under the Error files section at the bottom, along with an explanation as to what went wrong.
After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
Managing passcodes
Once you create the passcode you can manage it in various ways.
To do this, open the passcode by clicking on the edit icon.

Here you can edit part of the passcode settings.

Updating all codes
To update all passcodes at once, go to the list of codes in the Code options section and click Update all.

Here you can edit the passcode settings and the changes will affect all passcodes for that particular asset
Terminating a passcode
Terminating a passcode is needed when a viewer hasn’t logged out properly after watching.
Termination disconnects the viewer’s login session and frees up a login instance so that the passcode can be used again as per the Simultaneous logins setting in the passcode.
This is usually not necessary since viewers should always be informed to terminate their sessions by logging out themselves, but in cases where the viewer hasn’t done so, you can terminate the session from the InPlayer Dashboard.
To terminate a session, first open the passcode, and go to Sessions.

Then, just click Terminate and confirm the action.

Getting a passcode report
To get a report with all passcodes on an asset, along with info on how many times each passcode was used, click on View reports in the Passcode option section.

Then click on Generate report.

A CSV report will be generated and you will be able to download it.

In the Content section, enter the content you wish to monetize depending on the type of asset you’ve created (HTML or Video). See the list below for help in doing this.
In the Content section, simply paste the embed code of the content you are trying to monetize.

You can paste as many embed codes as you want in a single HTML asset, but we would recommend sticking to only one piece of content per asset.
After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
Amazon Cloudfront
Make sure you have integrated your Amazon Cloudfront account before setting up the asset content.
In the Content section, paste the CloudFront URL of the content you wish to protect. Make sure to include http:// or https:// in the URL.

After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
Note that for video content, the player that will be used for the video will be Flowplayer.
Amazon IVS
Make sure you have integrated your Amazon IVS account before setting up the asset content.
In the Content section, from the drop-down menu, select the IVS channel you wish to use. Remember that you can only use live channels.

Alternatively, you can create your live IVS channel by clicking on Create a new channel.
After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
Make sure you have integrated your Brightcove account before setting up the asset content.
In the Content section, select the Brightcove video you wish to use. Either click on the video from the collection or enter the Video ID in the field.

If you used the quick add or sync all videos option during the asset creation, this will already be filled in.
After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
In the Content section, enter the Video ID of the Cloudflare video you wish to use.

To get the Cloudflare Video ID, please contact Cloudflare support via the Cloudflare Help Center.
After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
For DaCast videos, please use the HTML type asset for now. This is due to some updates that are being done on the DaCast platform.
You can convert a Video asset to an HTML type asset by clicking Change content type in the asset Content section. Viewer accesses will not be affected by this conversion.
Make sure you have integrated your DaCast account before setting up the asset content.
In the Content section, enter the Content ID of the video you wish to use.
Read below on how to find this.

After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
Note that you can only protect individual videos. You cannot protect a DaCast “Package”, i.e. a playlist of multiple videos created on the DaCast platform.
To do this, please use the HTML asset type, and put the embed code of the DaCast Package inside the Content section.
Alternatively, you can create a Package by using InPlayer’s own Package feature. Read more about that here.
How to find the Content ID
To get the Content ID for a video, just go to your DaCast account and open the video you want to monetize.
The Content ID will be stated in the Details section.

Make sure you have integrated your Flowplayer account before setting up the asset content.
In the Content section, enter the Player ID, Player Token, and Source ID.
Read below on how to find these.

If you used the quick add option during the asset creation, this will already be filled out.
After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
How to find the Player Id, Player Token, and Source Id
Log into your Flowplayer account.
For the Player Id, under Players, go to Configurations and open the player you want to use.
The Player Id will be listed there.

For the Player Token, under Players, go to Tokens.
You can create a new token or use a pre-existing one.

For the Source Id, go to Videos and open the video you want to use.

You can get the Source Id from the URL of the video in your browser’s address bar.
In the example URL below, the Source Id is marked with bold:
JW Player
Make sure you have integrated your JW Player account before setting up the asset content.
In the Content section, enter the Type of video, the Video ID of the JW Player video you wish to use and select a Player.
Read below on how to find the Video ID.

If you used the quick add option during the asset creation, this will already be filled out. Make sure to check that the Type field is also filled in correctly (VOD or Live).
After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
How to find the Video ID
Log into your JW Player account and open the video you wish to use.
The Video ID is the Media ID.

For live events, you will need to open the Live Channel you’ll use and start the live stream from your encoder.
As soon as the video feed appears in the channel a new field will also appear, next to the CHANNEL ID field, called CURRENT MEDIA ID.

Copy the CURRENT MEDIA ID and paste it in the Video ID field of the InPlayer asset.
Due to this JW Player limitation, we recommend starting the stream an hour before the actual start time of the event so you can have the time to update the asset content, and avoid viewers logging in before the event, not seeing anything, and refreshing their browsers, all of them at the same time, thereby crashing your page.
An alternative method to Asset creation
If, for some reason, you don’t want to use a Video type asset for your video, you can use an HTML type asset. If you’ve already created a Video asset, read Changing the asset content type below to see how to change it to an HTML asset.
Then, in the Content section of the asset, you can enter the iframe of the video.
For live events, JW Player only generates an iframe once you actually start streaming, so you will need to start the stream first, and then get the iframe and put it in the asset.
Due to this JW Player limitation, we recommend starting the stream an hour before the actual start time of the event so you can have the time to update the asset content, and avoid viewers logging in before the event, not seeing anything, and refreshing their browsers, all of them at the same time, thereby crashing your page.
Workaround for having to start the live stream before the event start
As mentioned above, for live streams, you first need to start the stream, before you can get the Video ID or the iframe from JW Player that you’ll need to put in the asset’s Content section.
It is possible to get around this, by putting this iframe in the asset’s Content section:
<script src="https://cdn.jwplayer.com/libraries/INSERT PLAYER ID HERE.js"></script>
<script src="https://ssl.p.jwpcdn.com/live/channel-embed.js">
<div id="container_INSERT CHANNEL ID HERE"></div>
(function waitForJwLiveChannelSetup() {
if (window.jwLiveChannelSetup) {
embedContainer: "container_INSERT CHANNEL ID HERE"
} else {
setTimeout(waitForJwLiveChannelSetup, 500);
Make sure to insert the Player ID and the Channel ID in the place specified for it in the code.
Note also that this code is a custom JW Player code and is still in beta, so if you are having any troubles with it, please make sure to contact JW Player’s support.
Make sure you have integrated your Kaltura account before setting up the asset content.
In the Content section, enter the Partner ID, Uiconfig ID and Entry ID of the Kaltura video you wish to use.
Read below on how to find these.

After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
How to find the Partner ID, Uiconfig ID and Entry ID
Log into your Kaltura account.
Go to Settings, and then to the Integration Settings tab.
The Partner ID will be listed there.

Next, open the video you wish to use.
Click on the Share & Embed button under the video thumbnail.

On the right side, you will see the Embed Code section.

Scroll almost to the end of the text box and you will reach the part where the Uiconfig ID and Entry ID values are located.
The Uiconfig ID is the number after “uiconf_id”.

The Entry ID is the value after “entry_id”. Note that you only need the number, without the quotation marks.

Kaltura Mediaspace
Make sure you have integrated your Kaltura account before setting up the asset content.
Leave the Content field blank.
Make sure to follow the Kaltura Mediaspace guide to complete the setup.
Make sure you have integrated your Livestream account before setting up the asset content.
In the Content section, enter the Account ID, Event ID, and Video ID of the Livestream event you wish to use.
Read below on how to find these.

Note that the Video ID is optional and only used for protecting individual video posts. For protecting whole Livestream events, the field can be left blank.
After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
How to find the Account ID, Event ID, and Video ID
Log into your Livestream account.
Open the video post you want to use, and click Share so you can get the Embed code for it.

Copy the embed code and paste it in a text editor so you can see it better.

You will find the Account ID, Event ID, and Video ID in the embed code.
The Account ID will be after the /accounts/ part of the code, the Event ID after the /events/ part, and the Video ID after the /videos/ part.

Make sure you have integrated your Panopto account before setting up the asset content.
In the Content section, select the Panopto video you wish to use, and click Insert.

After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
Make sure you have integrated your Qbrick account before setting up the asset content.
In the Content section, enter the Client ID and Media ID of the Qbrick video you wish to use.
Read below on how to find these.

If you used the quick add option during the asset creation, this will already be filled out.
After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
How to find the Client ID and Media ID
Log into your Qbrick account.
For the Client ID, check out the steps here.
For the Media ID, open the video you wish to use.
In General, you will see the Media ID listed under the thumbnail on the video on the right.

In the Content section, enter the Video UUID of the Vidyard video you wish to use.
Read below on how to find this.

After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
How to find the Video UUID
Log into your Vidyard account.
Open the video you want to use.
On the right-hand menu, go to SETTINGS and then to Custom Attributes.

Scroll down to the About This Video section and you’ll see the Video UUID.
Always make sure that the Wowza livestream you are going to protect has been set up to use the Original HTML5 player, instead of the Wowza Player.
You can select which player to use during the Live Stream creating process.

In the Content section, enter the Video ID of your Wowza video.
Read below on how to find this.

After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
How to find the Video ID
Log into your Wowza account.
Open the video you want to use from the Live Streams tab.

You will find the Video ID in the Player Embed Code box, right after the /hosted/ part of the code.

In the Content section, enter the Video ID of the Wistia video you wish to use.
Read below on how to find this.

After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
How to find the Video ID
Log into your Wistia account.
Open the video you want to use, click on Video Actions, and then on Embed & Share.

A pop-up window will appear.
You will find the Video ID in the first line of the Embed Code, followed by .jsonp.

Copy the ID, without the .jsonp part, and paste it in your InPlayer asset.
Changing the asset content type
If you’ve created an HTML asset, and now you wish to change it to a Video asset, or vice versa, you can do so by clicking the Change content type button.

Content details
Here you will find the selection you have made in the Select content category step during the first steps of the asset creation.
If the Content category is VOD or Other, no further setup is needed here.
If the Content category is Live, make sure to fill in all the details about your live event. This info will be sent to our support team and will make sure your viewers get the best support possible.
It is very important to always fill in the event details here. This is one of the reasons why InPlayer can provide such high quality of support.

After your live event ends and you have published your VOD replay for it, make sure not to change the Content category from Live to VOD. There is no need for this.
You also have the option to have your event advertised on our Client Events page. If you choose to do so, just enter the text you want to appear in your event post description. It’s a good idea to include the webpage where your event can be found in the post.
After you save, our webpage administrators will review the post and publish it. This might take up to 24 hours.
After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
In the Restrictions section, you can set up any geographic, URL, and/or age restrictions for the asset you wish to use.

Geo-restrictions make the asset available only in certain countries, URL restrictions make it embeddable on only certain URLs, and Age restrictions make it accessible by only viewers who fall under a certain age group.
You can learn more about setting up the restrictions here, here and here.
Remember that any restrictions you set up in the individual assets will overwrite the ones that have been set up in the dashboard Settings.
After setting everything up, make sure to click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
Additional metadata
Here, you can add additional metadata to your asset, which can be used for various purposes. An example would be to add metadata that will group the assets in different categories that you can later use in a filter you have developed for your webpage.

Embedding the asset
Once you’ve created your asset, it’s time to embed it on your website.
For this, click on the Get asset embed code button at the top right.

A pop-up with the embed codes will appear.

Here, you can set up the following settings:
- Branding theme
Select the branding theme you wish to use for the asset.
Note that this option will only be available if you’ve already created a branding theme. Read this article for a guide on how to do this.
If you do not select a branding theme here, the default theme will be applied. - OAuth app
Select whether to use a custom OAuth app for the asset. This feature will group viewers that register an account on this asset into one user group.
This is useful if you have multiple websites and you want to group viewers from each website into a separate group.
Read this article to learn more about the OAuth feature. - Paywall version
Select whether to use the Paywall V2 or Paywall V3 for the asset.
These are the two versions of our paywall.
We recommend always using Paywall V3 because it is the most up-to-date version.
Once everything is set up, copy the InPlayer Script code and paste it into the <head> section of your webpage.
Then copy the Embed code and paste it into the <body> section of your webpage.
With that, your asset will appear on your page, and you are ready to start monetizing your content.
Advanced embedding
With advanced embedding, you can configure some additional asset settings that are not available with the standard embed code.
To get the advanced embed code, click on Advanced embedding in the asset embed code screen.

The advanced embedding screen has two tabs, Per page and Per asset.

Per page give you an embed code that will affect all assets on the page where you put that code.
Per asset gives you an embed code that only affects the particular asset you have opened in the InPlayer Dashboard.
Once you configure the settings, click on Get asset embed code to get the embed code.

Embedding multiple assets
If you wish to have multiple assets on the same page, it is not very advisable that you just take the embed codes for all assets you wish to use and put them into the body of the web-page as-is. Instead, use the code below.
Viewing asset analytics
To view some useful analytics for the asset, you can click the View asset analytics button at the top right.

Deactivating an asset
To deactivate an asset, just open it and click the button at the top right.

You can always bring a deactivated asset back by going to the Assets tab, selecting deactivated from the drop-down menu next to the search field, and clicking the Reactivate asset button on the asset you want to bring back.

When you go back to the active assets list, you will find the asset there.
That concludes our guide.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at clients@inplayer.com.