Create discount or free access codes, set up recommended prices, and more.
Discount vouchers
Discount vouchers can be used for getting discounts on purchases done via a web browser, using a Credit Card, PayPal or Direct Debit as payment methods. It is the most common voucher type.
Note that a 100% Discount voucher cannot be used for a ppv (one-time) payment via PayPal. This is due to a limitation in PayPal’s system. For subscription payments, on the other hand, a 100% voucher can be used via PayPal with no issues.
Creating a Discount voucher
Log into your InPlayer Dashboard, and go to the Promotions section.
In the Vouchers tab, click New voucher.
Enter the voucher name. This isn’t the code the viewer will need to use.
Choose Discount voucher and click Next.
Configure the voucher.
Randomly generated code lets you generate the voucher code automatically, by setting up the voucher length, prefix, and suffix. Note that the Voucher code length does not include the prefix and suffix. It only refers to the automatically generated part in the middle.
Voucher code lets you enter a custom code, if you are not using the Randomly generated code setting.
Discount percent is the discount the viewer will get by using the voucher.
You can set it up to 100 which means a viewer will not have to pay anything.
Note that you only need to enter the number of the discount percent, without the % sign after it.
Discount cycles is only applicable for subscription payments.
once – gives a one time discount on the first payment for a subscription.
forever – gives a permanent discount for all future payments for a subscription.
repeating – gives a discount for a set number of payments for a subscription.
Note that when a viewer uses a 100% discount voucher to purchase a subscription, they will still need to enter their credit card. This is so the system knows which card to charge after the discount period expires.
Click Next.
Set the Usage limit.
This is how many times the voucher can be used.
The default is set as blank, which means a voucher can be used an unlimited number of times.
Set the Validity period and start and end times.
This sets the voucher validity period. Note that this is different from the content access period, which is controlled by the Payment type setting in the price option of your asset or package.
Click Next.
Your voucher has now been created and is ready for use. In its current state, the voucher can be used by any viewer, for every asset and package you have.
If you wish to make it valid for only a certain asset, or package, or price option, or to make it so only a certain viewer can use it, you can proceed to modify the voucher properties.
In Details, you can edit the things you’ve already set up during the first step of the voucher creation. Note that you can’t edit the code.
Assets and Packages
In the Assets and Packages sections, you can select for which assets and/or packages the voucher can be used.
Just drag and drop the asset or package you want to add to the voucher from left to right.
You can even go one step further, and specify for which price options will the voucher be valid, in case your assets or packages have multiple price options set up.
To do this, click on Access fees, select the price option you want to enable, and click Save.
Customer emails
In the Customer emails section, you can choose to assign the voucher to only a specific set of viewers, so that only they can use it.
You can either bulk add a list of viewers or add viewers one by one.
Adding viewer emails in bulk
For bulk adding, make sure to download the CSV template provided in the voucher settings.
Once you enter the viewer emails in the CSV file, just upload the file to the voucher.
Adding viewer emails individually
To add a single viewer email, simply type in the email and click the + button.
Note that viewers don’t have to exist in the database. You can set up the voucher now, and when the viewer registers with the email you’ve entered, they will still be able to use the code.
To find out which viewers used a particular voucher, you can get a payment report from the Transactions tab. These reports will contain the voucher info for each payment.
Payment types
In the Payment types section, you can make the voucher valid for only ppv or subscription price options. Just drag and drop from left to right.
If you want the voucher to be valid for both, just leave this option as is, i.e. select neither the ppv or the subscription types, which will make the voucher valid for both.
Deleting a voucher
To delete a voucher, just open it, and click on the button at the top right.
This concludes our guide.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at