The Dashboard

Learning the Dashboard is essential for managing your business.


The Access section offers an overview of all of your viewers and their individual access passes, and also lets you perform access-related bulk actions.

You can also perform bulk actions such as grant, extend and revoke access for multiple viewers at once.

The Access section has a few tabs: Access, Access reports and Bulk actions.

The Access tab

Here you will find all of your viewers’ individual access records, and whether that access was purchased, granted or has expired.

At the upper right of the tab, you have the Generate report, Schedule report, and View reports buttons. You can learn more about making reports in the guides to reporting.

Below that, you have the search bar, along with the option to choose whether to view a list of the active or inactive accesses.
To use the search bar, click on it, choose the filter you wish to use for your search, and type in your search.

So, if you wanted to check the access passes for a viewer with the email, you’d click on the search field, choose the email filter, type in, and press Enter.

Note that you can search with just the first part of the email address, in this case derby, or the second part, in this case, however, you cannot search by typing any of the two parts of the email address just partially, in this case, derb or mail.

Below that, you have the main part of the Access section, which is the table where you can see the details of the viewer accesses.

Here is a list of the various access statues, along with their meaning:

Purchased – The viewer received access after making a regular payment.
Granted – The viewer was granted access manually via the InPlayer Dashboard.
Acess-voucher – The viewer received access after purchasing the content using a Free access voucher.
Full-discount – The viewer received access after purchasing the content using a 100% discount voucher.
Expired – The period of access validity set up for that price option has expired.

The Access reports tab

The Access reports tab is where you can download the reports you have generated in the Access tab.

The generated reports will be kept for 10 days.

The Bulk actions tab

Here, you can perform access-related bulk actions such as granting, extending, and revoking access to multiple viewers at once.

Read the Bulk actions section to learn how to perform bulk actions.

Access management

In the Access tab, you can revoke or extend a viewer’s access.
Note that the same thing can be done in each viewer’s personal account as well, as described in the Audience management guides.

Revoke access

To revoke a viewer’s existing access pass, click on the  button under the Edit column in the asset title’s row.
Then click Revoke access.

Confirm by clicking Yes, revoke!

Extend access

To extend a viewer’s existing access pass, click on the  button under the Edit column in the asset title’s row.
Then click Extend access.

Here, enter the new date to which you’d like to extend the access and click Extend.

Bulk actions

In the Bulk actions tab, choose the action you wish to perform.

  • Grant access
  • Revoke access
  • Extend access

Next, download the template CSV file.

Fill in the CSV file with the required data. In the CSV, you will find one row of dummy data that serves as a guide to the correct format of the data.

  • user_id – the viewer ID. You can find this by going to the viewer’s account in the Audience tab.
  • item_id – the asset ID. You can find this in the Assets tab of the Content section.
  • starts_at – the date and time of the access start. The time should be in UTC.
  • expires_at – the date and time of the access expiry. The time should be in UTC.

Upload the CSV and click Submit.

This concludes our guide.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at